10 Baby Shower Games You'll Actually Want To Play

10 Baby Shower Games You'll Actually Want To Play

PillowNap Team

Delightful Baby Shower Games to Celebrate the Mom-to-Be

Baby showers are joyous occasions to celebrate expecting parents and shower them with love (and adorable tiny clothes!). But what happens in between the cooing over onesies and the gift unwrapping? Games! Here's a fantastic selection of 10 baby shower games, catering to different group sizes and preferences, to keep the party lively and full of laughter:

  1. Diaper Dash
  2. Pin the Teddy on the Onesie
  3. Baby Food Blind Taste Test
  4. Stroller Obstacle Course
  5. Scrambled Celebrity Babies
  6. Musical Diaper Bags
  7. Human Pyramid Mayhem
  8. Would You Rather? Baby Edition
  9. Never Have I Ever: Baby Edition
  10. The Price is Right: Baby Edition

But before we dive in, are you tasked with finding the perfect gift for the mom-to-be? Look no further than our curated selection of baby shower gifts! We have something for every taste and budget. Check out our Top 5 Baby Shower Gifts Ideas for 2024 blog post for inspiration.

Now, on to the games!

1. Diaper Dash

What You'll Need:

  • Shoeboxes: One per team.
  • Crafting Supplies: Markers, paint, glitter, fabric scraps, ribbons, glue, etc., to decorate the boxes.
  • Socks: Plenty of socks to use as "babies."
  • Start/Finish Line: Tape, string, or any marker to designate these points.

How to Prepare

  1. Teams: Decide if you want to have guests pre-select teams or divide them randomly at the shower itself.
  2. Set the Stage: Set up a clear area with a designated start and finish line.
  3. Box Prep: Provide each team with a shoebox and a pile of decorating supplies.

How to Play:

  1. Decorate Your Stroller: Give teams a set amount of time (e.g., 10 minutes) to decorate their shoebox "strollers" with all the flair they can muster.
  2. Load Your Baby: Once decoration is done, each team rolls up socks into little bundles to represent their "babies" and places them inside their stroller.
  3. Ready, Set, RACE! On the count of three, one member of each team races their decorated stroller and its "sock babies" to the finish line and back.
  4. Relay Round: Team members take turns racing the stroller, relay-style, until one team has all its members complete the race.
  5. Victory Lap: The first team to complete the relay wins!


  • Have fun prizes for the winning team!
  • Play upbeat music during the race to keep the energy up.
  • Consider a "best decorated stroller" award in addition to the race winner for even more fun.

2. Pin the Teddy on the Onesie

What You'll Need:

  • Large Onesie Poster: Draw or print out a big, clear image of a baby onesie on poster board or a large piece of paper.
  • Cutout Teddy Bears: Cut out teddy bear shapes from construction paper or cardstock (one for each guest).
  • Blindfold: A soft diaper or a light scarf works perfectly.
  • Adhesive: Tape or double-sided stickers to attach the teddy bears to the onesie.

How to Prepare:

  1. Create the Board: Draw or attach the large onesie image to a sturdy board or secure it to a wall.
  2. Teddy Bear Prep: Attach a small piece of tape or a double-sided sticker to the back of each teddy bear cutout.

How to Play:

  1. Blindfold the Guest: Choose a guest to start and blindfold them gently with the diaper or scarf.
  2. Give a Spin: Spin the blindfolded guest gently a few times to add a dash of disorientation.
  3. Pin the Teddy: Hand the guest a teddy bear and guide them towards the onesie poster. Encourage them to place the teddy bear as close to the center of the onesie as possible.
  4. Mark the Spot: Once the guest pins their teddy, carefully mark where it lands on the onesie.
  5. Continue the Turns: Repeat the process with each guest.
  6. Declare the Winner: The guest whose teddy is closest to the center of the onesie wins!


  • Have a small prize for the winner to make it more exciting.
  • Consider different colored teddy bears for each guest so you can easily tell whose is whose.
  • Take photos of the blindfolded guests trying to pin their teddies – it'll be a source of laughter later on!

3. Baby Food Blind Taste Test

What You'll Need:

  • Variety of Baby Food Jars: Pick a good selection of different flavors (fruits, vegetables, single-ingredient and combination flavors). Remove the labels to keep things mysterious!
  • Spoons: Enough plastic spoons for each guest to have one per flavor tested.
  • Tasting Cups or Bowls: Small bowls or disposable tasting cups for each guest.
  • Paper and Pencils: For guests to write down their guesses.
  • Answer Sheet (Optional): Create a list of the baby food flavors you're using. This can help with scoring at the end, especially if some flavors are tricky to identify.
  • Blindfolds (Optional): While not essential, blindfolds add an extra layer of challenge and fun. You can use soft diapers or scarves.

How to Prepare:

  1. Gather Your Goodies: Assemble your baby food selection and remove all the labels.
  2. Number the Jars: Assign a number to each jar (on the bottom or lid) to keep track of the flavors. You can also create a corresponding key with the numbers and flavor names on a separate sheet (optional).
  3. Set Up the Tasting Station: Arrange the numbered baby food jars and tasting cups/bowls on a table. Place the spoons nearby.
  4. Prepare Answer Sheets (Optional): If you're using them, have answer sheets ready with a list of the possible baby food flavors (corresponding to the numbered jars) for guests to write down their guesses.

How to Play:

  1. Welcome the Brave Tasters: Gather your guests and explain the game. Briefly mention the baby food flavors you've chosen (without revealing specifics).
  2. Blindfold Time (Optional): If using blindfolds, have guests take turns putting them on.
  3. Serve Up a Mystery Flavor: For each guest, spoon a small amount of baby food from one of the numbered jars into their tasting cup/bowl.
  4. Taste and Guess: Guests take a taste and try to identify the flavor. Encourage them to write down their guess on the answer sheet (if using) or simply shout it out.
  5. Repeat and Reveal: Repeat steps 3 and 4 with each guest, offering them different numbered jars/flavors each time.
  6. The Big Reveal: Once everyone has had a chance to taste all the mystery flavors, unveil the numbered key and reveal the actual flavors of each baby food jar.
  7. Tally the Scores: If you used answer sheets, have guests check their answers based on the key. The guest with the most correct guesses wins!


  • Have wet wipes or napkins on hand for any sticky fingers!
  • Consider offering small prizes for the winner and maybe even a "most creative guess" award for some extra laughs.
  • You can adjust the difficulty by using a wider variety of baby food flavors or sticking to just fruits or vegetables.

4. Stroller Obstacle Course

What You'll Need:

  • Toy Strollers: One stroller for each team. If guests don't bring their own, try sourcing a few from friends, secondhand stores, or toy rental sites.
  • Dolls: Enough small dolls or stuffed animals to use as "babies" inside the strollers.
  • Obstacle Course Materials: Get creative! Here are some ideas:
    • Cones or small boxes
    • Pillows
    • Blankets
    • Chairs
    • Pool noodles
    • Toys
  • Tape: To mark the start and finish lines.
  • Timer or Stopwatch (Optional): For timed races.

How to Prepare:

  1. Team Time: Decide if you want guests divided into teams beforehand or randomly assigned on the day of the shower.
  2. Course Design: Use your space and available materials to create a fun and challenging obstacle course. Think about turns, weaving patterns, and obstacles to maneuver over or under.
  3. "Load" the Strollers: Place a doll or stuffed animal in each of the toy strollers.
  4. Mark the Lines: Use tape to indicate a clear start and finish line.

How to Play:

  1. Explain the Rules: Brief guests on the course layout and any specific rules (e.g., the "baby" must stay in the stroller for the entirety of the race).
  2. One Team at a Time: Have one team race at a time. Position a team member at the start line with their stroller.
  3. Start Your Engines (er...Strollers): On the count of three (or with a whistle blow), the team member races the stroller through the obstacle course to the finish line and back.
  4. Handoff or Reset:
    • Handoff Style: If playing in teams, the first racer tags the next team member who then takes the stroller for their turn, continuing in a relay style until all team members have completed a lap.
    • Single Racer Reset: If guests are racing individually, the racer must return to the start line with their stroller, ensuring their "baby" is secure.
  5. Fastest Wins! If using a timer, the team (or individual) with the fastest time wins. If no timer is used, the first team to finish the relay wins!


  • Have fun prizes for the winning team or individual.
  • Play upbeat music to keep the energy high and the laughs rolling.
  • If space is limited, have smaller teams or individual racers instead of large groups.

5. Scrambled Celebrity Babies

What You'll Need:

  • Celebrity Baby Pictures: Search for baby photos of well-known celebrities online. Choose a variety for different difficulty levels.
  • Image Editing Software (Optional): If you're tech-savvy, use image editing tools to scramble parts of the pictures (swap eyes, blur features, etc.) for an extra challenge. Otherwise, cut and paste features!
  • Paper and Pens: For guests to write down their guesses.
  • Answer Key: Create a separate list with the correct names of the celebrities in the scrambled pictures.

How to Prepare:

  1. Gather Your Stars: Collect the celebrity baby photos – the more, the merrier!
  2. Scramble Time:
    • Tech-Savvy Version: Upload the photos into image editing software and scramble parts of the image.
    • Old-School Scramble: Print out the photos, cut out facial features (eyes, noses, mouths), and reassemble them in a mixed-up order. Glue the scrambled faces onto new sheets of paper.
  3. Number the Pictures: Assign each scrambled picture a number for easy reference.
  4. Prep the Answer Sheets: Prepare sheets with spaces for guests to write down their guesses next to a corresponding picture number.

How to Play:

  1. Display the Stars: Hang up the scrambled celebrity baby photos around the room or pass them around.
  2. Let the Guessing Begin: Give guests a set period to examine the photos and try to unscramble the famous faces in their minds. Have them write their guesses next to the picture's number on the answer sheet.
  3. The Big Reveal: Once the time is up, go through the answer key, revealing the correct celebrity identities.
  4. And the Winner Is: The guest with the most correct guesses wins!


  • Have a prize for the winner to make it more competitive.
  • Mix up the difficulty levels. Include some easy celebrity baby pictures and a few more challenging ones.
  • Consider a theme! Focus the scrambled photos on celebrities from a specific time period, genre of music, or television series.

6. Musical Diaper Bags

What You'll Need:

  • Diaper Bags: Enough diaper bags for one less than the number of guests (example: 9 guests = 8 diaper bags).
  • Diaper Bag Supplies (Optional): If you want to make the game more fun, have a few baby-related items to fill the bags with, like rattles, baby socks, or pacifiers.
  • Chairs: One less than the number of guests (same as for the diaper bags).
  • Music Player: Something to play upbeat music.

How to Prepare:

  1. Fill the Bags (Optional): If you choose to, fill the diaper bags with small, fun baby items.
  2. Set Up the "Arena": Arrange the chairs in a circle, facing outward. Place a diaper bag on each chair.

How to Play:

  1. Gather Your Guests: Have all your guests stand around the circle of chairs.
  2. Start the Music: Begin playing upbeat music.
  3. Walk Around and Around: As the music plays, instruct guests to walk around the circle of chairs, each holding a diaper bag.
  4. Stop the Music! Randomly stop the music. When the music stops, guests scramble to find a seat!
  5. Out of Luck: The one guest left without a chair and bag is "out". Remove a chair and a diaper bag for the next round.
  6. Repeat and Repeat: Continue playing, removing a chair and bag in each round, until only one guest remains – they're the winner!


  • Make it more challenging by having guests switch diaper bags each time the music stops.
  • Have fun prizes for the winner!
  • Play particularly silly music to add to the humor and lighten the mood.

7. Human Pyramid Mayhem

What You'll Need:

  • Open Space: A room large enough for guests to form a human pyramid without bumping into furniture.
  • Chairs or Sturdy Surfaces (Optional): Chairs, footstools, or other sturdy surfaces can provide extra support, especially for the mom-to-be.
  • Pillows or Cushions (Optional): To add a layer of safety padding for the bottom of the pyramid.

How to Prepare:

  1. Space Check: Clear furniture away from a large area to provide enough space for the pyramid.
  2. Safety First (Optional): Place pillows or cushions on the ground to soften any potential tumbles.

How to Play:

  1. Divide and Conquer: Split guests into teams. The larger the group, the larger the teams for a sturdy base!
  2. Pyramid Planning: Each team should discuss a strategy for who will be at the base (stronger guests), who will be ascending the pyramid, and where the mom-to-be will be.
  3. Build the Base: Have the strongest members of the team crouch down, forming a solid base for the rest of the pyramid.
  4. Climb Carefully: Guests carefully climb onto the 'base' level, using each other for support. Encourage them to find stable placements and move slowly.
  5. Baby on Top! Once the structure is stable, the mom-to-be is gently lifted onto the top of the pyramid, supported by team members using chairs or sturdy surfaces if needed.
  6. Strike a Pose! Give everyone a moment to hold the pose for a quick picture!
  7. Deconstruction Time: Carefully help the mom-to-be down, and have those in the pyramid disassemble in a controlled manner. Repeat with other teams if desired!

Important Safety Notes:

  • Mom-to-be comfort is key: Make sure the mom-to-be is comfortable with participating and adjust the setup to her needs.
  • No one too high: Keep the pyramid levels to a minimum for better stability.
  • Communication is vital: Encourage guests to talk to each other and warn if they feel unsteady.
  • Spotters are helpful: Have guests not part of the pyramid stand by to assist if someone loses balance.


  • Play upbeat music to add a sense of fun and excitement.
  • Snap a photo of each team's pyramid for a hilarious keepsake!

8. Would You Rather? Baby Edition

What You'll Need:

  • A List of Questions: The key to this game is having a supply of "Would You Rather" questions with a baby twist. You can either:
    • Find Pre-Made Lists: Search online for "Would You Rather? Baby Edition" or use generic "Would You Rather" lists and adapt them.
    • Create Your Own: Brainstorm funny dilemmas related to babies, parenting, and pregnancy. Get creative!

How to Prepare:

  1. Compile Your Questions: Gather a good number of "Would You Rather.." questions – aim for at least 20 to keep the game going. The funnier the dilemmas, the better!
  2. Presentation Options:
    • Write them out: Write each question on small slips of paper or index cards.
    • Big Board: If you have a whiteboard or poster board, write the questions directly on them in a big, clear font.
    • Digital Slideshow: Create a fun slideshow or presentation of the questions for a modern feel.

How to Play:

  1. Introduce the Game: Explain to your guests that you'll be playing "Would You Rather? Baby Edition" and that it's a game of tough choices.
  2. Read the Questions: Choose a starting player. Read the first "Would You Rather" question aloud, giving both options clearly.
  3. Pick a Side: Ask guests to decide which option they'd prefer and either voice their choice, take a step to physically represent their selection, or raise their hands to indicate their vote.
  4. Encourage Discussion: Ask people to explain the reasoning behind their choice. This is where the laughs and discussions happen!
  5. Repeat and Pass: Move on to the next question, with a new person getting to read it out. Continue until you've gone through all the questions, or for as long as the discussion is entertaining.

Example Questions:

  • Would you rather sing lullabies all night or change poopy diapers at dawn?
  • Would you rather deal with nonstop toddler tantrums or teenage mood swings?
  • Would you rather only be able to eat baby food for a week or only be allowed to watch kid's TV shows?
  • Would you rather go into labor without pain medication or accidentally use diaper cream for toothpaste?


  • Have a prize for the guest who comes up with the most creative question or the best answer explanation!
  • If your group is small, have guests go in a circle answering each question to keep everyone involved.

9. Never Have I Ever: Baby Edition

What You'll Need:

  • Drinks (Optional): Traditionally played with alcoholic drinks, but you can adapt it to be non-alcoholic for a baby shower. Have water, juice, or mocktails on hand.
  • Snacks (Optional): Some finger foods or snacks can be a nice addition to the game.
  • Space to Sit: Enough chairs or floor space for everyone to sit comfortably in a circle.

How to Prepare:

  1. Optional - Set the Mood: If you want, dim the lights a bit and put on some relaxing music to create a more intimate atmosphere.

How to Play:

  1. Explain the Rules: Briefly explain the concept of Never Have I Ever. Tell guests they'll be making statements about things they've never done, specifically related to babies.
  2. Hold Up Those Fingers: Instruct everyone to hold up ten fingers (or another designated number) to represent the number of "never have I ever" experiences they can admit to.
  3. Start Sharing: Choose a guest to begin, or have someone volunteer. That person starts with the phrase "Never have I ever..." followed by a statement about something they've never done related to babies (e.g., "Never have I ever changed a diaper in a public restroom").
  4. Fingers Down for Matches: If the statement applies to a guest (they have done that thing), they must put one finger down.
  5. Keep it Going: The game continues in a circle, with each guest taking a turn to make a "Never have I ever" statement.
  6. Story Time (Optional): For an extra layer of fun, after someone puts a finger down, you can encourage them to share a story about a time they did (or almost did) the thing mentioned in the statement.
  7. The Last One Standing: The player who still has fingers remaining at the end is the winner!

Example Statements:

  • Never have I ever been woken up by a baby crying in the middle of the night.
  • Never have I ever sung a lullaby to a stuffed animal.
  • Never have I ever tasted baby food.
  • Never have I ever changed a diaper blowout.


  • Have a prize for the winner, but the real fun is in the shared stories and laughter.
  • Keep the statements lighthearted and appropriate for the baby shower setting.
  • If the game stalls because everyone has done most things, feel free to add a silly rule, like taking a sip of a drink (or a bite of a snack) every time someone puts a finger down.

This game is a great way for guests to learn new things about each other and get a few giggles in during the baby shower.

10. The Price is Right: Baby Edition

What You'll Need:

  • Baby Products: Gather a variety of common baby products (diapers, wipes, onesies, bottles, toys, etc.). Aim for about 10-15 different items.
  • Price Tags (Optional): If you want to save guests the writing hassle, create printed price tags to later attach to the products with tape or pins.
  • Paper and Pens: For guests to write down their price guesses.
  • Answer Key: A list of the products and their actual retail prices for scoring.
  • Prizes: Fun prizes or gift cards for the winner (and maybe even a runner-up).

How to Prepare:

  1. Gather Your Goods: Assemble your selection of baby products. Choose items with a variety of prices and a mix of well-known and less common baby products to make it more challenging.
  2. Source the Prices: Check online retailers, local stores, or even recent baby registry lists to get the current retail prices for each item.
  3. Create the Answer Key: Compile a master list with all the items and their corresponding prices for easy reference later.
  4. Prep the Guessing Sheets (Optional): If not using price tags, prepare sheets of paper with spaces for guests to write down their item names and guesses.

How to Play:

  1. Display the Goods: Set up a display table with all the baby products. If using price tags, be sure to remove those before the game starts.
  2. Pass Out the Papers: Have guests gather near the product table and give them sheets of paper and pens.
  3. Examine Time: Allow guests a few minutes to examine each product and jot down notes if they wish to help them make their guesses.
  4. Let the Guessing Begin: For each item, ask guests to write down their best guess for the retail price next to the item's name on the answer sheet.
  5. Reveal and Tally: Once all the guesses are in, go through your answer key and reveal the actual prices. Guests can then calculate how close their guesses were to the real prices.
  6. The Winner!: The guest with the closest total guesses (without going over the actual retail prices) wins!


  • Have a tie-breaker question ready in case there's a tied score (e.g., "Guess the total value of all the products on display.")
  • Play a bit of the "The Price is Right" theme song for a fun and nostalgic factor!

Let the Games Begin!

Remember, the best baby shower games create a festive and relaxed atmosphere where everyone can participate and share a laugh. Choose a few games that suit your group size and preferences, and personalize them to fit the mom-to-be's unique style. Make it memorable!

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